Saturday, January 3, 2009

Israel/Palestinian Territorries, Wildlife Edition

I forgot to put this in my last post -

It was commented by someone I worked with on the Vote Yes campaign that I have yet to mention wildlife in my posts. That is primarily because I have yet to see much. While in the White Desert outside of Bahariyya I did manage to see a desert fox outside of our camp site one night. That was particularly cool because they are typically difficult to spot, and also because those of you who knew me back in middle school know that I was a World War II nut and read everything I could get my hands on about it. My favorite generals to read about was Erwin Rommel. Nicknamed, of course, the Desert Fox. Sweet.

Anyway, the following information was included in her email about wildlife in the areas I've been to - "So... There are wolves in Gaza and northern Israel and they need to multiply."

Nancy, feel free to, you know, expand on that if you'd like. ; )

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